Among the many considerations, these are typical for most...
- Detailed financial models
- Unlimited flexibility in variables and level of detail
- Anticipate cash and working capital requirements, seasonality, borrowing capacity, liquidity and other debt covenant indicators, and rates of return
- Quick model turnaround time for scenario analysis
- Article of Organization
- Operating agreement
- Lease agreements
- Franchise agreements
- Identify sources of financing
- Compile information for lenders or equity investors
- Financial reporting and compliance
- Set up accounts and sweep arrangements
- Remote banking systems
- Incorporate business requirements into systems specifications
- Coordinate vendor presentations, review and selection process
- Facilitate implementation and testing
- Develop procedures documentation and user training materials
- Negotiate / review facilities lease agreements
- Manage buildout/refurbishment of leased space
- Research and evaluate equipment options
- Identify vendors and evaluate proposals for furnishings
Grace offers experience in all phases of the acquisitions process...
- Budget by month – longer range on annual basis
- 12 month rolling forecast
- Incorporate anticipated synergies, reduced combined overheads, smoothed cash flows from counter-cyclical businesses
- Best and Worst Case scenarios
- Sensitivity analysis on multiple variables
- Compile “The Book”
- Executive summary, operational details, media, industry and market analysis, workforce and systems integration , proposed capitalization, financial plans, key employees
- Contracts
- Insurance
- Licenses / registrations
- Tax compliance
- Titles / Abstracts / Liens
- Environmental
- Legal / Claims
- Employee meetings
- Company policies / Employee handbooks
- Employee pay and benefits
- Corporate culture
- Operations and Accounting systems
- Specify and review systems requirements
- Review systems proposals
- Coordinate implementations
- Develop and deliver training